Why plants are so good to have in the home

I never fully understood the importance of plants in the home until recently.

From primary school to secondary school, every science class talks about the what plants do for the environment and why aiding their survival is such a fundamental need of the world today.

However, the benefits of keeping plants inside the house are rarely ever mentioned. It really has made such a difference to my kitchen, not only in the way it looks but in how I feel when I walk in there now.

You don’t need to have loads, but I made a conscious effort to get some for the kitchen, bathroom and also the study as James is now working from home.

But why is it so important? Surely it’s just more “housework” for me to have to do?

House Plants

Plants reduce stress

Countless studies have proved that plants are indeed good to reduce stress, anxiety and tiredness. It is also good to have indoor or potted plants in a hospital or clinical setting to help patients. One thing I will be doing when I start my new job is to keep a potted plant on my desk. This is good especially if your office building is windowless! Plants have the ability to make you feel more optimistic and happy. SO basically, plants make your brain work much better 🙂

Plants help reduce sickness

It is not common knowledge but plants help in preventing colds, stopping headaches and even reducing blood pressure. Plants also have the ability to help with clearing congestion. If young children are exposed to plants, they will help prevent allergies. Plants in this age kind of act like an immunity shot against allergens. If you are a smoker or live with one, a plant may help you remove the airborne chemicals from cigarettes. They really are amazing!

Plants help clean the air

It is no secret that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, but we do tend to overlook how this helps us and purify the air at our home. In addition to this plants have the ability to increase humidity. This may sound like a drawback but it actually works in our favor as pollutants and toxins are reduced because of this, and we do not end up inhaling them.

House Plants

They help with breathing

Plants also help us breathe better and stay alive by providing us with pure oxygen to inhale. In short, we kind of owe our survival to plants. Special plants that produce oxygen even at night are good to have in the bedroom, as they aid in a more peaceful slumber 🙂

They look awesome

So not only do they secretly work their magic in the house but there is absolutely no doubt that they look pretty amazing too. The beauty of plants not only makes your home or work area look fresher but makes the mind happy too, ultimately aiding in psychological benefit by uplifting the mood. They are an affordable therapy that may benefit you in numerous ways.

I love looking up at our plants on top of the kitchen cabinets. As our ceiling is so high and bright they add a lovely little pop of green to the room and also make the room feel super calm and fresh 🙂

The benefits of plants are countless. They are easy to afford and easy to find. We literally picked ours up from Ikea the other day along with some cute little pots.

The only thing to be mindful of is that they do need attention and do need to be cared for as well. Once you have understood and fulfilled your plant’s needs, they will do nothing but benefit you.

Go green and keep the house clean 🙂

Do you have plants in your house? Where do you pop yours?


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