Guest Post – Why travel is so necessary in everyone’s lifetime

Welcome to the first blog of my Guest Post series 🙂 If you would like to submit a post, get in touch!

It can be easy to think of reasons not to travel – you don’t have the money or the time, you have an illness that makes things more difficult, you don’t know where to start. However, the truth is that travel is an incredibly valuable experience – one that everyone should experience, at least once in their life.

You can travel on a small budget, or for a short amount of time, or find ways around your illness that still allows you to have an amazing time. Here is why travel is so necessary in everyone’s lifetime.

Incredible memories

There is nothing more priceless than memories. Being able to share your stories with other people is amazing, and experiencing things like a sunset over a deserted beach, or seeing a giraffe grazing on leaves, are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Even the things that go wrong – missing flights or losing luggage will make for a good story one day.


Broadening your horizons

Travel allows you to meet people from other cultures and gives you the opportunity to see the world from a different point of view. This will help open your eyes to another way of life, which is never a bad thing! If you allow yourself to open your mind you might find yourself changing the way you do things when you get back home.

You’ll make new friends

There’s something about travelling that really brings people together. Get chatting to someone in a hostel, a local shop or the airport and you never know where that will lead to. Some people you meet while on adventures will become friends for life, and others will be happy memories. Either way, everyone you meet will be a story in itself. You might even bag yourself a new travel buddy!


You’ll appreciate your home more

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and that’s true even of your own home. Visiting somewhere that is lacking the luxuries that we are so used to (such as electricity or running water) can really make us feel lucky when we go back home. This realisation can also spark a desire to help those less fortunate and make you a more compassionate person.

You learn about yourself

As amazing as it is, travelling can also be stressful and this is where you learn how strong and resilient you can be. You might have to do a fair bit of problem-solving and keep your spirits high when things aren’t going quite as planned. You may have to stay in dirty accommodation or deal with being sick far away from home, and at the time it will be hard. However, when you get through to the other side you’ll realise how amazing you are!  

A real-world education

There is only so much you can learn from books, TV shows, and the internet! Getting out into the real world is the best way to learn – see animals up close on a safari, visit the ruins of a historical monument and get talking to locals in somewhere you’ve never been before. You will be surprised at how much you learn!

So even if it’s been a long time since your last trip, now is the perfect time to book something and get going! Enrich your life with new experiences in somewhere different and reap all the benefits. The more you travel, the more you will want to travel, and there’s no time like the present.

What do you think? Do you agree that travel is necessary? Let me know in the comments.


1 Comment

  1. Sarah Zalsos
    May 3, 2021 / 1:46 am

    Yeah I agree on this, go travel when you still have time, money cant buy memories but travel can give you memorable moments.
    Let’s continue to experience the wonderful destination that this world has. Journey On Travel

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